How-To Guides


Everything that ember-statecharts is doing is powered by the wonderful XState-library. The XState-guides provide extensive documentation about how to write statechart-configurations - please make use of this invaluable resource.

ember-statecharts is trying to provide a thin layer over XState's APIs and make it as easy as possible to use all of XState's functionality with Ember.js. It makes sure your statecharts play nice with the Ember-runloop and can react to outside arguments changing and takes care of cleaning up your statecharts when components get destroyed.

Authoring statechart-configurations

To implement a statechart via ember-statecharts you will make use of the useMachine- resource exported from ember-statecharts.

There are multiple ways to create a statechart that can be used by useMachine:

  • use useMachine with an instance of an XState-Machine - Machine
  • use useMachine by using XState's - createMachine - createMachine;

The important thing is to pass an XState-Machine as the machine property of the object that gets returned from useMachine.

Here's an example that reflects the nested statechart-example from the XState-guides in all two variants:

useMachine with a Machine-instance

import Component from '@glimmer/component';

import { Machine } from 'xstate';

import { useMachine } from 'ember-statecharts';

const machine = Machine({
  id: 'light',
  initial: 'green',
  states: {
    green: {
      on: {
        TIMER: 'yellow'
    yellow: {
      on: {
        TIMER: 'red'
    red: {
      on: {
        TIMER: 'green'
      initial: 'walk',
      states: {
        walk: {
          on: {
            PED_TIMER: 'wait'
        wait: {
          on: {
            PED_TIMER: 'stop'
        stop: {}

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  statechart = useMachine(this, () => {
    return {

useMachine with createMachine

import Component from '@glimmer/component';

import { createMachine } from 'xstate';

import { useMachine } from 'ember-statecharts';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  statechart = useMachine(this, () => {
    return {
      machine: createMachine({
        id: 'light',
        initial: 'green',
        states: {
          green: {
            on: {
              TIMER: 'yellow'
          yellow: {
            on: {
              TIMER: 'red'
          red: {
            on: {
              TIMER: 'green'
            initial: 'walk',
            states: {
              walk: {
                on: {
                  PED_TIMER: 'wait'
              wait: {
                on: {
                  PED_TIMER: 'stop'
              stop: {}

To get a detailed overview about the configuration options available via XState please have a look at the XState documentation.

Sending events

When implementing behavior with statecharts you have to switch your mental model a bit when implementing Ember.js application behavior. The important thing is that you won't trigger behavior directly based on user-interaction or external events anymore - you will forward the event that happened to your statechart and let the statechart figure out what will happen based on the event that you forwarded.

This means that you will want to change actions like this:

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  // ...

  buttonClicked() {

to something like the following:

import { createMachine } from 'xstate';

const buttonMachine = createMachine(
    initial: 'idle',
    states: {
      idle: {
        on: {
          SUBMIT: 'busy'
      busy: {
        invoke: {
          src: 'handleSubmit',
          onDone: 'success',
          onError: 'error'
      success: {},
      error: {}
    services: {
      handleSubmit: async (/* context, event */) {}

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  // ...

  @use statechart = useMachine(this, () => {
    const { doSomethingAsync } = this;

    return {
      machine: buttonMachine
          services: {
            handleSubmit: doSomethingAsync

  // ...

  buttonClicked() {

This might seem like an annoying level of indirection first but soon you will notice that this indirection provides a safety net for your application behavior. Instead of the burden of keeping track of the implicit states that your application can find itself in, in your head all the time you will model your behavior explicitly and let the statechart figure out what needs to happen. In the above example, users can't retrigger the doSomethingAsync when they trigger the buttonClicked-action repeatedly while the statechart finds itself in the busy state for example.

The statechart's context - using withContext

The Object that uses the useMachine-usable can specify the context of the statechart explicitly by using withContext. This makes sure that you can design your behavior inside of XState's visualizer completely and then have the calling Object define what it considers the context of the statechart to be.

This means you have the component decide what context will be used when guards and actions are executed.

import { Machine } from 'xstate';

const buttonMachine = Machine({
  initial: 'idle',
  states: {
    idle: {
      on: {
        SUBMIT: 'busy'
    busy: {
      invoke: {
        src: 'handleSubmit',
        onDone: 'success',
        onError: 'error'

    success: {},
    error: {}
}, {
  actions: {
    handleSubmit(context) {
      // `context` is set to whatever object we pass to `withContext`
      const { doSomethingAsync } = context;

      return doSomethingAsync();

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  // ...
  statechart = useMachine(this, () => {
    const { doSomethingAsync } = this;

    return {
      machine: buttonMachine

  buttonClicked() {

Customizing the statechart's config - using withConfig

As with withContext the calling Object can also customize the statechart's configuration by using withConfig. This makes sure that you can design your behavior inside of XState's visualizer completely and then have the calling Object define what external effects will be triggered when the statechart triggers actions or what checks to run when it executes guards.

import { Machine } from 'xstate';

const submitMachine = Machine({
  initial: 'idle',
  states: {
    idle: {
      on: {
        SUBMIT: {
          target: 'busy',
          cond: 'allNecessaryDataIsAvailable'
    busy: {
      entry: ['handleSubmit'],
      on: {
        RESOLVE: 'success',
        REJECT: 'error'
    success: {},
    error: {}
}, {
  actions: {
    handleSubmit(/* context, eventObject */) {}
  guards: {
    allNecessaryDataIsAvailable(/* context, eventObject */) {}

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  name = '';

  password = '';

  statechart = useMachine(this, () => {
    return {
      machine: submitMachine
          component: this
          actions: {
            handleSubmit({ component }, eventObject) {
              const { email, password } = eventObject;

              component.loginTask.perform(email, password);
          guards: {
            allNecessaryDataIsAvailable({ component }, eventObject) {
              const { email, password } = component;

              return email && password;

  // ...

  buttonClicked() {

Including event data

When sending an event to your statechart you can send data with that event. The sent data will be available in guards and actions that are executed based on the sent event:

import { Machine } from 'xstate';

const submitMachine = Machine({
  initial: 'idle',
  states: {
    idle: {
      on: {
        SUBMIT: {
          target: 'busy',
          cond: 'allNecessaryDataIsAvailable'
    busy: {
      entry: ['handleSubmit'],
      on: {
        RESOLVE: 'success',
        REJECT: 'error'
    success: {},
    error: {}
}, {
  actions: {
    handleSubmit(/* context, eventObject */) {}
  guards: {
    allNecessaryDataIsAvailable(/* context, eventObject */) {}

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  statechart = useMachine(this, () => {
    return {
      machine: submitMachine
          component: this
          actions: {
            handleSubmit({ component }, eventObject) {
              const { email, password } = eventObject;

              component.loginTask.perform(email, password);
          guards: {
            allNecessaryDataIsAvailable(context, eventObject) {
              const { email, password } = eventObject;

              return email && password;

  // ...

  buttonClicked() {
    const { email, password } = this;

    this.statechart.send('SUBMIT', { email, password });

Matching state

You can declaratively react to state changes in your statechart by making use of regular getters. This means that when you want to for example display a button component differently based on the state it finds itself in this is very easy to do with ember-statecharts:

import { useMachine} from 'ember-statecharts';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  // ...
  statechart = useMachine(this, () => {
    return {
      machine:  Machine({
        initial: 'idle',
        states: {
          idle: {
            on: {
              SUBMIT: 'busy'
          busy: {
            entry: ['handleSubmit'],
            on: {
              RESOLVE: 'success',
              REJECT: 'error'
          success: {},
          error: {}

  get didError() {
    return this.statechart.state.matches('error');

<button class="{{if this.didError "btn btn__error" "btn"}}">
  Click me

You can pass a StateValue to matches. This means you can also match against nested or parallel states:

// atomic state node

// nested state
this.statechart.state.matches({ error: 'apiError' });

// parallel state
  validity: 'invalid',
  interaction: {
    changed: 'fieldBlurred'

.update - Reacting to changes to useMachine

When args or state passed to useMachine, withConfig or withContext change users can react to the change without needing to use @ember/render-modifiers or ember-render-helpers to send an event to the statechart.

To demonstrate this behavior we'll create a CounterMachine that implements counting behavior. The component that uses it will be passed a count-arg. Whenever this arg changes we want to react to the change:

We can react to the change in two ways.

  1. We send an event to the statechart on update and the statechart reacts to the change as it would to any other external or internal event - in our case this means we reset context.count to the count-arg we receive in the update:
Counter Count: 0
  1. We restart the entire underlying XState-interpreter and end up with a statechart as if we accessed it for the first time with the update machine, context or config. In our case, this means that we will end up in the inactive-state again even if we were in the active state before.
Counter Count: 0

How you choose to handle an update to args/state passed to useMachine - either sending an event or restarting the interpreter - depends on the situation you find yourself in. If your situation allows throwing away the current state of the statechart restarting could be an option to consider. If you need to consider the current state when args change you will most likely find it easier to send an event to the statechart instead of restarting the entire interpreter.


Sometimes you don't want to react to a particular state change on the interpreter but trigger behavior on the outside on every single state change - e.g. when you want to persist a state change to be able to rehydrate the state later on. Usually, you would trigger side-effects based on state transitions via actions but adding the same action to every single state gets unergonomic quickly.

To make this more ergonomic ember-statecharts provides the onTransition-hook that you can use to trigger a side-effect on every state change.

import SomeMachine from '../machines/some-machine';

export default class SignUpWizard extends Component {
  statechart = useMachine(this, () => {
    return {
      machine: SomeMachine,
      onTransition: (state) => {

  // ...

  persistState(state) {
    // ... persist state for later rehydration

Please be aware that onTransition is meant as an escape mechanism and not to be used as the primary way to trigger side-effects based on state transitions - you want to use actions for that instead.

Working with TypeScript

ember-statecharts itself is implemented in TypeScript and fully supports Ember.js apps that are written in TypeScript. Due to the way XState works internally, it is rather verbose to type your machines but as always with TypeScript you will end up with better developer ergonomics than you would when not typing your code.

Please refer to the using TypeScript of the XState docs for a thorough walkthrough on how to type your XState machines. For useMachine to pickup types correctly you will need to provide type information for useMachine explicitly.

The useMachine-API supports both versions of typing machines:

  1. Without typestates: useMachine<TContext, TStateSchema, TEvent>(/* ... */)
  2. With typestates: useMachine<TContext, any, TEvent, TTypestate>(/* ... */)

Next up you see an example of the Button-component from the tutorial implemented in TypeScript:

Visualizing statecharts

To visualize your statecharts you can use the XState visualizer.

Further reading

XState comes with a comprehensive documentation page - it goes into great detail about what things you can do in statechecart-configurations.

Writing statecharts configurations is very easy once you are used to the syntax but feel free to consult the XState-guides as often as necessary to get the hang of it.