
You can install ember-statecharts like any other ember addon:

ember install ember-statecharts

Because ember-statecharts implements its behavior based on the concept of resources and the popular XState-library you will need to install both as a dependency as well.

ember install ember-resources
# depending on your package manager, e.g. with yarn
yarn add -D xstate

A button component

To help you get started with ember-statecharts we will walk through an example of implementing a button component.


  • Our button should indicate to users their ability to interact with them -

i.e. a button can be enabled or disabled and looks differently based on these states.

  • The button should be able to trigger actions based on the onClick-property

passed to it. When the executed action takes time the button should indicate this to users

  • We want application developers to be able to react to the success of the triggered action

  • We want application developers to be able to react to errors of the triggered action

Modeling behavior

We will model our behavior visually by putting our button statechart configuration into XState's visualizer tool. We start by creating an idle and busy-state - because the button can either sit around idle ready to be clicked or be busy while the onClick-action we pass to it is executing.

  initial: 'idle',
  states: {
    idle: {},
    busy: {}

When the user clicks the button we want to transition from the idle state to the busy state. Statechart transitions happen based on events sent to the statechart. We will model our statechart to transition based on the SUBMIT-event.


  initial: 'idle',
  states: {
    idle: {
      on: {
        SUBMIT: 'busy'
    busy: {}

You can interact with the statechart during the modeling phase. You will see the statechart transitioning into the busy state when clicking on the submit event in the statechart-visualizer.

Triggering actions

Transitioning between states is not enough for our statechart to actually do something. To have our statechart 'do' something we can implement actions that we will tell the statechart to execute on state transitions. You can trigger actions at specific points of a transition:

  • entry - when a state is entered
  • exit - when a state is exited
  • on a transition - when you want to trigger actions only on a specific transition

To model the behavior of our button component we decide to trigger the handleSubmit-action every time we enter the busy state. The button will be in the busy state and we can then decide where to transition afterward based on the outcome of the triggered action.

This leads us to the conclusion that we actually are missing a state. There's nowhere to transition to after busy. We seem to are missing a success state.


  initial: 'idle',
  states: {
    idle: {
      on: {
        SUBMIT: 'busy'
    busy: {
      entry: ['handleSubmit'],
      on: {
        SUCCESS: 'success'
    success: {}
}, {
  actions: {
    handleSubmit() {}

But what happens if the potentially async onClick fails? We need an error state as well.

This is one of the advantages of using ember-statecharts to model behavior. Because you are modeling behavior explicitly you need to think about what can happen in your application before actually implementing something. This will lead you to really think about the use-case you are trying to implement and it gets very easy to add states if you discover you missed something:


  initial: 'idle',
  states: {
    idle: {
      on: {
        SUBMIT: 'busy'
    busy: {
      entry: ['handleSubmit'],
      on: {
        SUCCESS: 'success',
        ERROR: 'error'
    success: {},
    error: {}
}, {
  actions: {
    handleSubmit() {}

Ok, we can now transition into error and success but we want developers to be able to handle these events so we will need to trigger behavior when each of those states is entered. This is easy to do - we add a new actions entry for both states:


  initial: 'idle',
  states: {
    idle: {
      on: {
        SUBMIT: 'busy'
    busy: {
      entry: ['handleSubmit'],
      on: {
        SUCCESS: 'success',
        ERROR: 'error'
    success: {
      entry: ['handleSuccess']
    error: {
      entry: ['handleError']
}, {
  actions: {
    handleSubmit() {},
    handleSuccess() {},
    handleError() {}

This looks pretty good - let's have a quick look at the statechart-visualizer again. When clicking through the visualizer we notice that our statechart behaves in kind of a weird way. We can transition through to success and error but there's no way to exit those two states again. This might be good enough in your application but most likely this indicates a problem. When dealing with a generic button component it seems like we should be able to submit the button again after we successfully submitted the button or the action triggered by the button failed.

This is something that is easily missed when not using a statechart to visualize the behavior of your components. If you did not use a statechart you would be setting conditional properties like isLoading on the button component directly and you might have some kind of condition in your code that makes sure that your button can not be submitted while its isLoading property is true. You then would need to make sure to reset that property onError or onSuccess - but this is easy to forget, very error-prone, and hard to reason about. In contrast to working with implicit behavior with ember-statecharts we simply add a new transition to both states:


  initial: 'idle',
  states: {
    idle: {
      on: {
        SUBMIT: 'busy'
    busy: {
      entry: ['handleSubmit'],
      on: {
        SUCCESS: 'success',
        ERROR: 'error'
    success: {
      entry: ['handleSuccess'],
      on: {
        SUBMIT: 'busy'
    error: {
      entry: ['handleError'],
      on: {
        SUBMIT: 'busy'
}, {
  actions: {
    handleSubmit() {},
    handleSuccess() {},
    handleError() {}

Handling async interaction via invoke

The current way of using a XState action to handle submission is fine, but because the submission will probably be asynchronous we can make use of the invoking promises-feature from XState. This cleans up our statechart configuration slightly.


  initial: 'idle',
  states: {
    idle: {
      on: {
        SUBMIT: 'busy'
    busy: {
      invoke: {
        src: 'handleSubmit',
        onDone: 'success',
        onError: 'error'
    success: {
      entry: ['handleSuccess'],
      on: {
        SUBMIT: 'busy'
    error: {
      entry: ['handleError'],
      on: {
        SUBMIT: 'busy'
}, {
  actions: {
    handleSuccess() {},
    handleError() {}
  services: {
    handleSubmit: async () => {}

Using an action to trigger submission isn't wrong, we are just making use of invoke because it cleans up the statechart configuration slightly. There are multiple ways of writing a "correct" statechart configuration, the important part is that you begin modelling your application's behavior explicitly.

Executing the modeled statechart

Modeling the statechart for our button component is complete now. But how do we actually use this in our Ember.js application?

It's pretty easy actually. We take the statechart (XState calls them Machines) we modeled in the statechart-visualizer, create an instance of it and use it in our component via the useMachine-resource´that ember-statecharts provides.

In our example application, we decided to create a machines-folder that holds all the XState-machines that we plan to use in our components. We can copy and paste these out of the statechart-visualizer directly and paste them back into the visualizer when we want to see how they work.

We then have to hook up the imported machine with our component. We can use the withContext- and withConfig-hooks that are available to extend a XState-Machine.

The nice thing about this is that we keep the behavior separate from our component implementation. The component that decides to use the statechart defines what it expects to happen as external effects when the statechart executes its behavior - we use the withConfig- hook to do this.

In our case, we tell the statechart to trigger the onClick-handler and what should happen when the async action triggered succeeds or errors. Because we define these functions on the statechart itself we need to bind them to the component instance - we do this by using the @action-decorator that Ember provides in our example. If we didn't want to use @action we could use Function.prototype.bind to achieve the same effect.

You can see the final component in action here:

To trigger transitions on the statechart we implement regular Ember Component actions that forward events to our component. If the user clicks the button we will send the SUBMIT action to our statechart and the statechart will trigger a transition into the appropriate state. If no transition is specified in the statechart for the sent event nothing happens - it has literally become impossible to trigger unexpected behavior.

// ...
export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  // ...
  buttonClicked() {

If a state doesn't understand an event nothing happens. You can see this while the onClick is executed. If the user clicks the button repeatedly nothing happens. Because the busy state does not handle the SUBMIT-event it won't trigger the submitTask again.

When we want to keep the UI in sync with the statechart's state we declare regular getters that access the statechart's state.

// ...
export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  // ...
  get isBusy() {
    return this.statechart.state.matches('busy');

  statechart = useMachine(this, () => {
    // ...
  // ...

The statechart returned from useMachine is a reactive resource. So it will update whenever the internal statechart state changes.

Refining behavior

We implemented the expected submit behavior but we can't set the button in a disabled state.

This isn't too surprising we have yet to model the disabled behavior.

The disabled-state is somewhat of an odd state because it concerns how the button looks (e.g. a disabled button might show as greyed out) and how the button behaves (clicking the button won't trigger its onClick-action). Statecharts are used to model behavior so we don't want to concern ourselves with the looks of the button for now - we will get to that later. But first of all, we need to figure out how disabling the button fits into our statechart.

If we think about it, the way the button handles clicks and the fact if the button should be interactive are really two concurrent things. We could for example decide to disable the button while the button is in the busy-state. Disabling the interactivity of the button should most likely not cancel the submit-action.

We can model two concurrent behaviors - interactivity and activity in our example - with a parallel state:

  type: 'parallel',
  states: {
    interactivity: {
      initial: 'unknown',
      states: {
        unknown: {
          on: {
            '': [
                target: 'enabled',
                cond: 'isEnabled'
              { target: 'disabled' }
        enabled: {
          on: {
            DISABLE: 'disabled',
        disabled: {
          on: {
            ENABLE: 'enabled',
    activity: {
      initial: 'idle',
      states: {
        idle: {
          on: {
            SUBMIT: {
              target: 'busy',
              cond: 'isEnabled',
        busy: {
          invoke: {
            src: 'handleSubmit',
            onDone: 'success',
            onError: 'error'
        success: {
          entry: ['handleSuccess'],
          on: {
            SUBMIT: {
              target: 'busy',
              cond: 'isEnabled',
        error: {
          entry: ['handleError'],
          on: {
            SUBMIT: {
              target: 'busy',
              cond: 'isEnabled',
  actions: {
    handleSuccess() {},
    handleError() {},
  services: {
    handleSubmit: async () => {}
  guards: {
    isEnabled(context) {
      return !context.disabled;

To decide in which state - disabled or enabled - we "start" out in when we first render the component we can make use of a transient transition. I.e. we will check the disabled property of the statechart's context and transition into disabled or enabled based on that property.

You can play with the context-property on the statechart visualization to simulate a disabled-property that would be set from the outside in your Ember.js application.

This is great! To refine this behavior we barely had to touch the existing statechart - we only extended existing behavior. We created a parallel state interactivity that implements behavior to make it possible to ENABLE or DISABLE the button. The parallel activity-state needs to take the interactivity into account when deciding if we want to transition into different substates when the statechart receives the SUBMIT-event but other than that we can be sure our component behaves the same way as it did before.

Handling external changes

We want to be able to disable the button via a param we pass to it:

  Click me!

In the context of statecharts we are modeling behavior based on states that continuously react to internal and external events. In our button component changing the disabled-argument can be treated as an external event because something outside of the component changed the disabled-parameter.

This means we need to send an event to our button's statechart every time the disabled-argument changes. We can use the .update-hook that useMachine-provides to do that:

export default class QuickstartButton extends Component {
  // ...

  statechart = useMachine(this, () => {
    return {
      machine: quickstartButtonRefinedMachine
          disabled: this.args.disabled,
          actions: {
            handleSuccess: this.onSuccess,
            handleError: this.onError,
          services: {
            handleSubmit: this.onClick,
          guards: {
            isEnabled({ disabled }) {
              return !disabled;
      update: ({ send, machine: { context } }) => {
        const { disabled } = context;

        if (disabled) {
        } else {

  // ...

First, we define the statechart's context object via withContext. In our case, the statechart's context is a plain object with a disabled property that depends on the passed disabled argument. Whenever this property is changed from the outside useMachine will reevaluate and trigger its update-hook. In the update-hook we can send an event to the statechart based on the new context-object that withContext will evaluate to.

So in our example, we will send the DISABLE or ENABLE event based on what was passed for args.disabled.

The update-hook will trigger every time a property passed to useMachine changes. update will be passed an object with the following structure:

send: Function - a function to send an event to the statechart
restart:  Function - a function to teardown the old and restart a new interpreter with the new configuration

As you can see we can either send an event to the statechart or decide to restart the entire statechart. In our case we decided to model the args-change explicitly and because we don't want to throw away the existing state of the statechart we opted not to use restart.

How things look vs. how things behave

Statecharts decouple behavior, i.e. the functionality of a component from the way the component looks. This means that we might want to present the button as disabled not only in the disabled-state but also in other states of the statechart that don't allow submitting the button. We can use a regular getter to display the button correctly to our users:

export default class QuickstartButton extends Component {
  // ...
  get isBusy() {
    return this.statechart.state.matches({ activity: 'busy' });

  get isDisabled() {
    return this.statechart.state.matches({ interactivity: 'disabled' });

  // we are not sure if the button is enabled or disabled because we have yet
  // to receive a `DISABLE` or `ENABLE` event
  get isInteractivityUnknown() {
    return this.statechart.state.matches({ interactivity: 'unknown' });

  get showAsDisabled() {
    const { isDisabled, isBusy, isInteractivityUnknown } = this;

    return isDisabled || isBusy || isInteractivityUnknown;

  // ...

Here's the final component that we came up with:


In this tutorial, you learned how you can use statecharts to explicitly model behavior in your Ember.js applications. You have seen how you can make use of the XState-visualizer to help you visualize what your components will be doing. We also walked through how you can make your statechart executable via the useMachine-usable and how you can use regular getters to declaratively adapt the looks of your component based on state changes.

The rest of the guides will go into more detail about how to work with statecharts in your Ember.js applications. Please also remember that everything that ember-statecharts is doing is backed by the great XState-library. You can read about all the configuration options that XState provides in the documentation of that project. This is a very valuable resource that you certainly want to use when you start using statecharts in your applications.